Isn’t An App Like Goods Unite Us Creating More Division?

Many of our users have been asking us what our purpose is for creating Goods Unite Us. This is a great question – a question that we are repeatedly challenging ourselves to discuss as our metrics and team continue to grow. In a world that generally lacks transparency, people have every reason to approach an app like ours with skepticism.

So why is Goods Unite Us such an important app? The answer lies in one word: TRANSPARENCY.

In this same interest of transparency, we think it’s important that we lead by example and are transparent with our users in explaining why we exist, by formally outlining our mission and vision statement.


Goods Unite Us strives to inform consumers and increase transparency around corporate money in politics. Consumers can, in turn, make informed purchasing decisions and choose to put their money where their vote is. After all, you may only vote a few times a year, but you are inadvertently voting with your purchases every single day. In fact, for every one dollar knowingly contributed to political campaigns, three of your dollars are unknowingly being contributed by the campaign contributions of companies and their senior employees.


As consumers become more and more aware of the political contributions of companies, and consume accordingly, we can protect the potency of our vote and the integrity of the democratic process! The current lack of awareness about how our consumer dollars are affecting elections allows our purchases to dilute our vote. Even though your spending may be partisan, we are united in wanting transparency in our political process. With Goods Unite Us, we can reclaim our voice!

We are working every day to improve our app and data in order to give you the information and transparency we all deserve. We make it easy for you to not only be a better-informed consumer, but also a better citizen of our democracy! This mission and vision is not about partisanship, it’s about protecting elections. Having a well-functioning and transparent political process is something we can all get behind.