Goods Giveaway: Help Us Reach 100,000 Monthly App Users!

What a month August was for us! Only a year ago, we had a few thousand users per month, and now we are about to cross 75,000 monthly active users on our apps alone (and 150,000 across our platforms). We love this growth! But it’s not enough: we’re setting an ambitious goal for September of reaching 100,000 monthly app users.  

In August, we competed in Madison’s top startup event, Pressure Chamber, we were featured in Bustle, and we gained tens of thousands of new app users. But we’re only getting started! We have a lot more planned in the coming months (some of which we can’t even tell you about yet). 

In the meantime, we need your help and support to reach 100,000 monthly app users. And we’ll even give away free shirts to help incentivize you! 

Here’s how you can win one…

  1. For every person you tag with our post about the giveaway on Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter, you will gain an entry into our contest. MORE PEOPLE TAGGED = MORE ENTRIES!
  2. And to get additional entries, use the hashtag #GoodsUniteUs or use the phrase “Download The Goods Unite Us App” on any of your social media accounts (posts, stories, Tweets, etc.).
  3. It’s as easy as that!

At the end of September, we will do a Facebook Live stream to randomly draw the winners of our “Put Your Money Where Your Vote Is” t-shirts (as Kayla is modeling in the picture below). And, no matter what, we’ll send a t-shirt to the top posters on each of the three platforms (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter).

Good luck and let’s get to 100,000 monthly app users in September!