Thinking About Ordering Food Delivery? Check Our App First!

This weekend, you might be feeling too lazy to make yourself a meal. We’ve all been there… Time gets away from you and you reach for the phone to order some food.

Nowadays, though, some of the favorite apps for millenials are up and coming takeout and delivery apps. But which app you choose can have wildly different political ramifications.

Madison’s local company, Eat Street, for example has a perfect Campaign Finance Reform score.

Grubhub, on the other hand, contributes to Democrats 70% of the time and has a CFR score of 70. Uber Eats also has a relatively high score and contributes 93% to Democrats.

If you happen to be conservative, however, you might want to turn to Postmates, with 99% of donations benefiting Republicans.

And if you are over political polarization, DoorDash might be your happy compromise, with Republicans only slightly benefiting more from their company donations, at a rate of 54%.

You might be surprised to see such variation between companies within the same industry. But this is quite normal.

Oftentimes, you can switch where you are buying and have a significant impact on corporate money in politics. That is why it’s important for you to keep checking our app, as we are adding new companies every day. We also make it easy for you to compare across individual industries – all you have to do is click on “Categories” at the top of your screen!