Hello, I’m The Citizen Ferret

This is me:

I’m cute.

I’m cuddly.

I’m cunning.

And I live for two things:

chasing rabbits and ferreting out strange corporate political activity.

You haven’t lived until you’ve chased a terrified rabbit and slept outside its hidey hole!

The smell is divine!!!

He he. Hoo hoo. Who knew?

But I’m not here to tell you about rabbits.

I’m here to tell you about a company I’ve been ferreting into called News Corp. (ticker NWSA).

News Corp. owns a bunch of newspapers you humans like to read.

The Wall Street Journal,

The Times of London,

and the New York Post,

to name a few.

The company was started by an Australian billionaire named Rupert Murdoch,

who’s country is overrun with rabbits.

Lots and lots of rabbits.

Oh my!

But Mr. Rupert didn’t just start News Corp.

He’s also the largest shareholder of the company that owns Fox News.

That’s the conservative news channel my humans like to watch while they run in place.

Well, well. He He.

I did some ferreting, and I know something that neither Mr. Rupert nor my sweaty humans know!

The executives and the employees at News Corp. have been bankrolling . . .


He he. Hoo Hoo! Who knew?

(Chortle Chortle)

[The Citizen Ferret falls down and naps for 4 hours. Then awakens.]

Where was I? Oh yes!

The Democrats! Can you believe it?

Let me check my notes. Oh yes, here it is.

During EVERY ONE of the last four federal election cycles, the executives and employees at News Corp. have contributed overwhelmingly to the Democrats.

All of them since 2018!

Oh, the irony. He he. Hoo Hoo!

But wait! There’s more…

[The Citizen Ferret falls asleep mid-sentence, drools a little bit, scratches his behind, and suddenly reawakens.] 

Oh yes. Yes yes. I just can’t believe what I’m seeing here.

If you ferret all the way down to the issues the politicians who received the money support,

you just won’t believe it.

Mr. Rupert is not going to like this.

Not one bit.

Hold on, I’ll have to look in my cubby.

Oh yes, here it is.

News Corps employees have been contributing overwhelmingly to:


pro-gun control,


pro-universal health care politicians.

He he. Hoo Hoo! Who knew?

And during this entire time, can you guess how much of the nearly $1.5M contributed from News Corp employees went to the current Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump?

None of it!

Zero dollars.

That’s even less than the executives and employees at Comcast, the company that owns MSNBC, have contributed (which is just north of $10,000).

Wow, just wow!

[No rabbits were harmed during the writing of this piece. All data comes from Goods Unite Us’s new in-depth political analysis tool, IndexAlign. All employee contributions of $1,000 or more were included in the ferret’s analysis.]