Goods Unite Us To The Moon!

Published 11/11/2024

Democrats unhappy with the election have taken to social media. And our apps have become the center of the largest movement against corporate money in politics that we’ve ever seen!

Goods Unite Us has been exposing corporate money in politics for over eight years. But nothing we’ve seen over that time compares to what we’ve seen in the last 72 hours.

Goods Unite Us has become a movement!

In the last few days, millions of people on social media have been reading about or talking about using Goods Unite Us.

Just search for Goods Unite Us on TikTok, Threads, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit or basically any social media platform right now, and you’ll see.

Canceling Republican companies is quickly becoming the next big movement. And Goods Unite Us is at its center.

The cancel culture is also spreading to the stock market.

Today was the first day the stock market has been open since the app blew up across social media. And the investment fund we helped start, the Democratic Large-Cap Core Fund (ticker: DEMZ), had ten times more volume today than its historical daily average.

Why own stock in an all-market S&P 500 index fund–which includes companies like Exxon Mobil, Lockheed Martin, and Home Depot–when you can just own the Democratic-supporting companies in the S&P 500 instead?

Democrats can’t vote Trump out of office for at least four years. That’s a reality.

But between now and then, Democrats CAN cancel and divest from all of the Republican companies, who in turn will be forced to stop funding Republicans.

You want to change corporate behavior?

Hit them where it hurts most: their stock price and their bottom line.