How Much Does It Cost To Buy America?

On December 5, 2024, we’ll find out.

That’s when the U.S. Federal Election Commission is scheduled to release the final campaign contribution numbers for the 2024 election.

If you’ve ever read this blog before, you know that at Goods Unite Us, we’re against all corporate and executive money in politics. Full stop. Regardless of political party.

Yet, during the 2024 election, Elon Musk, a South African born to a wealthy family, and the CEO of two large publicly traded companies that receive billions of dollars in federal government aid, very publicly bought himself direct access to, and arguably ownership over, the White House.

While we’ve seen many top CEOs and executives purchase themselves access to federal politicians in the past, never has it been so public and so egregious as with Elon Musk’s support for Trump.

Mr. Musk first made his support for President Trump public in July 2024, a few months prior to the election. He then went on to spend copious amounts of money to get Mr. Trump elected. And now, Mr. Musk appears to have his hands in every decision the Trump Administration has been making since election day.

This is exactly what’s wrong with America’s political system.

Rich foreign nationals can simply purchase direct access to the White House, and according to the U.S. Supreme Court it’s completely legal.

So far, the Federal Election Commission shows that Mr. Musk contributed approximately $76 million dollars through September 5, 2024. While that number is expected to go up significantly when the final numbers are reported, it pales in comparison to how much money Mr. Musk has received AND WILL NOW CERTAINLY CONTINUE TO RECEIVE from the U.S. government.

According to an estimate made by USA Today, Mr. Musk’s companies have collectively received over $20 billion dollars in U.S. government aid.

In other words, not only has Mr. Musk purchased direct access to the White House, he’s likely done so for pennies on the dollar compared to what he has received and will continue to receive in federal aid.

There’s only one way that every day Americans can fight back. Start paying attention to what these companies are contributing to politics, and act accordingly.

This is precisely why Goods Unite Us exists. Until the everyday consumer and investor starts paying attention to what these companies and their executives are doing with their political dollars, and reacting appropriately, companies and executives are going to keep buying America.

It’s time for this to stop.