The Goods Unite Us Apps Just Crossed 1 Million Downloads!

As many movements do, this one started slowly.

We first launched the Goods Unite Us apps in 2017.

With mostly Facebook posts and ads, we grew the user base to half a million users by 2018.

But then, for various reasons, we stopped all advertising of the apps in early 2019.

Yet the apps continued to attract thousands of new users a month.

Because people want to know what they’re favorite companies and brands are doing politically.

So, while the company has pivoted to focus more heavily on finance since 2020 – with the launch of the DEMZ fund and IndexAlign – we have always kept the apps up to date.

We know the apps are critically important to what we’re trying to do.

We want people to have this information.

Between 2020 and November 2024, the apps chugged along, getting new users, but not blowing up.

Then Trump got re-elected.

And we’ve averaged 150,000 downloads per month since.

Let’s hope this momentum keeps up!

We truly believe that if enough people consider corporate political actions when making their purchasing and consumption decisions, a lot of corporations – maybe not all – but a lot, will decide to get out of politics altogether.

Wouldn’t that be nice?

So, if you’re a Goods Unite Us app user: THANK YOU.

We couldn’t have done this without you.

We ARE COLLECTIVELY making a difference already.

BUT, we need even more attention to really swing the pendulum.

That’s where you come in.

We know our users are our best voice!

Please tell five people about the Goods Unite Us app this week.

And let’s see if we can get to 10 million users in 2025!