Which brands have donated most to each candidate and the PACs working on their behalf?
The Bubble Pops
Lede - An NBA strike turned into a historic, multi-sport protest last Wednesday. Context - The strike cum protest was in response to the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, WI, the latest in a string of police shootings of...
Do Political Donations Really Predict Corporate Behavior?
The findings of our joint report paint an amazingly clear picture of how the political leanings of a firm’s leadership affect its relationships with the environment, its supply chain, and its own workers.
After Only 3 Months, The FEC Is Broken Again
the 2 previous vacancies have gone unfulfilled since 2017 and 2018, respectively. Also, there’s the small matter of the Trump campaign having just been accused of campaign finance fraud to the tune of $170 million
Big Spenders
Since we spend so much time on data about who companies donate to, the team at Goods Unite Us thought it could be helpful to isolate which companies donate the most. The lists below answer the question “Who spends the...
How Our Purchases Make Their Way Into Politics
Direct donations to a campaign are easily understandable. But how, exactly, do our purchases in a store or online make their way into politics? Well, political campaigns can be understood as aggressive, temporary marketing companies; the mayflies of the advertising...
The Campaign Finance Campaign
The Bloomberg campaign has been making headlines all month, first for its bold late-entry strategy, and then for the candidate’s rough showing in the Nevada debate. But one thing all the buzz around Bloomberg 2020 shares is awe over the...
See The Politics Of Your Favorite Oscar Movies!
Goods Unite Us is going to the movies . . . and just in time for The Oscars this Sunday! It may not be as obvious as when you buy a car or eat out at a restaurant. But when...
Yikes! Resignation Renders Federal Election Commission Incapable of Upholding Campaign Finance Laws.
The Vice Chairman of the Federal Election Commission (FEC), Matthew Petersen, announced that he will be resigning. With a resignation like this, the FEC would normally carry on with its responsibilities of monitoring federal elections and ensuring fair politics while...
Goods Giveaway: Help Us Reach 100,000 Monthly App Users!
What a month August was for us! Only a year ago, we had a few thousand users per month, and now we are about to cross 75,000 monthly active users on our apps alone (and 150,000 across our platforms). We...