Every week we send a push notification quiz to our app users. And the question in the title of this post about your car’s politics is the most clicked on question we’ve ever asked. Everyone wants to know. So, if...
At Goods Unite Us, we pride ourselves on our passionate usership! We also want to be sure that our company is a part of a productive political dialogue on not only issues of campaign finance matters, but other political topics...
While Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has been under scrutiny and pressure due to the recent fires in the Amazon, many experts think that business interests, especially those of large-scale international food producers, are to blame for the fires. That’s because...
Now more than ever, people are paying attention to the politics of brands and businesses, and wanting to align their spending with causes they believe in. We can’t blame them! It’s the reason we started Goods Unite Us. A few...
A day ago, Bustle featured our app on its website! In the article, Sarah Friedman mentioned that we are “a women-owned application [that] offers several different tools that allow you to investigate the politics of your favorite companies.” Bustle is...
Are you excited for the 2020 campaign season to get started? You’re in luck! Make sure that you update your Goods Unite Us app so that you will be able to donate to your favorite politicians while you educate yourself...
But what are Clorox’s politics? According to our Goods Unite Us app, Clorox leans toward the Democratic party, but only with two-thirds of donations benefiting the left. Also, their campaign finance score is quite average at 43, mainly due to...
Conscious consumers like to pride themselves on supporting companies that align with their personal values, ethics and political preferences. Sometimes, it’s obvious. For example, Patagonia's progressive perception is proven by 100% of its contributions going to Democrats, according to the Goods...
Megan Rapinoe has lately been vocal in her criticism of FIFA, the U.S. Soccer Federation, and inequality in compensation on the basis of gender. Rapinoe called for FIFA to close the prize money gap between the Men’s and Women’s World...
Amazon, the most powerful public company in the world (worth nearly $800 billion at the beginning of 2019), has humbly decided to declare a two-day holiday for itself, Prime Day, which takes place today and tomorrow. To celebrate the holiday,...